Sleepover 7a
Some people were interested in seeing a wider shot with the others watching. I’ve tired to do interesting framing and composition, though I’m slightly limited by what I’ve already established about the room layout.
>>1402535 1 Truth or dare
>>1402537 2 Little black dress
>>1402541 3 “sexy” pose?
>>1402546 4 “You’re next, Glitter…“
>>1404019 5 Glitter’s turn
>>1409707 6/7 “Not sure if want… Okay, actually do want“
>>1416315 6a “Is she actually…?”
>>1416317 7a “Yup, she is.” (here)
>>1417352 8 “But… everypony’s watching…”
>>1417353 9 “I know, right~?”
>>1419925 10 “Just relax…“
>>1420271 11 (I don’t have a cheeky title for this one)
Use the tag comic:clubhouse sleepover to view the whole series
Feedback always appreciated! Asset credits at the tumblr source.