Candy Apple
Parents; Babs Seed and Twist
Age; 4
Cutie Mark; n/a
Personality; Sweet little Candy Apple, while only a child, absolutely loves life and those around him. He can’t exactly speak properly yet, but shows his affections through nuzzling either his parents and his relatives in Ponyville. While the second cousin of Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom, he refers to them as his aunts and uncles and considers their children as his cousins despite being actual second cousins. He loves the big family reunions, often playing with Applesauce and his two older sisters, Apple Butter and Prism Trail.
Oh god my guilty ship. SO CUTE. His cutie mark is totally a candy apple when older okay
Candy Apple © Tambelon
MLP: FiM © Hasbro