See Jazz Apple’s profile here!
Other Past Entries
So this is probably going to be my last entry for Jazz, we’ll have to see how much my schedule permits before the 6th :S
Anyways, this scene takes place when Jazz and Zap are practicing their flying, and being the big bozo he is, Dust Devil has to come along and begin to throw some words at Zap Apple. These two are more rivals than Jazz and Dust Devil, and being the good big sister she is, Jazz Apple certainly does not appreciate the stallion’s words at her brother. Their argument unravels into a fight before Jazz Apple challenges him to a race, which Dust Devil happily obliges.
Then he gives the whole “I hope you like the taste of dust, because you’ll be eating mine!” during their race and thus Jazzy gives him her glorious retort in the picture aha.
Jazz Apple’s character, Zap Apple, Dust Devil art © Tambelon
Jazz Apple’s design © FuyusFox
MLP: FiM © Hasbro