Done by my hyperlead. Based on one of the scenes in my favorite FanFic. Snack-Sized Sweetie http://www.fimfiction.net/story/177487/snack-sized-sweetie written by Autismo555
I have to thank Hyper once again for making another awesome Gmod Comic and don’t worry there’s more to come.After shrinking herself Sweetie belle avoids being swallowed up by her sister Rarity when she took a drink of water Sweetie Belle teleports herself in the market on the ‘Apples’ apple cart Sweetie Belle sees a now titanic Big Macintosh and she’s standing on one of the apples to her luck Big Mac reaches down picking up the apple she was on and takes a big chomp out of it with her on it with one gulp Big Mac swallows the tiny filly along with the chewed up apple. Sweetie belle then finds herself in the belly of the stoic Earth stallion.