<ins>Artist’s description</ins>
“He’s so small.”, Storm whispered sitting down beside his mother, and peering over her shoulder at the tiny bundle resting against her. Fluttershy laughed softly. “Newborns normally are, sweetie. They’re small and fragile, and need lots of care and attention. Including, having a big, strong, older brother to protect them.” She nuzzled Storm’s face slightly, and grinned. “Do you think you’re up to that?” The colt huffed indignantly, and puffed his chest out. “O-of course I-I am! I’ll be the best big brother!” Quietly laughing again, she planted a small kiss on his forehead. “I know you will.“
So, I’m essentially dead atm. Take this little piece of cute, before I dive into the deep, dark depths again. But hey, bonus; There’s actually some dialogue with this.
<sub>MLP:FiM ©Lauren Faust/Hasbro</sub>