Emerald wonders if he should say anything to stop her from leaving. Other than those speaking to Joyride or other wise thanking her for help are acting a bit confused, wondering what they should do, and if they should head home. Helpfully Bunsen speaks up at this point near the entrance to the room, flanked by one of his zebra compatriots.
“Hello, everyone. You have all been through so much recently, but we aren’t sure what exactly is going on at the moment, or who we can really trust-”
“The guards are in on it!” One of the ponies says.
“Yeah, I… I recognized a few of them!” A different one says.
There is some general muttering around the room at this point, and Bunsen does his best to settle it down before continuing,
“Yes. Yes I want to get this all sorted out. Now I can’t make any of you come with me, but until things get a little more sorted out you are all welcome to take sanctuary in the Marjani Chapel. You can get some well deserved rest there, and we can take statements. We’ll probably want to get the Hiwot temple involved for an inquiry on the city guards as well. Maybe even some of the papers.”
“What about our families?” Sugar Cane says, from beside Emerald.
“We can get word out to them from the temple.” Bunsen says with a nod.
There is a general murmur of agreement from all in the room to follow Bunsen to his temple, and a few moments later Bunsen says,
“I am happy to hear that. I have sent for an escort, so it will only be a short wait and then we’ll be on our way.”
“Speaking of which, you may want to go wake Joyride.” Nishan says from beside Emerald, startling him.
Emerald pops up and walks back up the stairs to his sleeping mentor. Emerald tries a few more times to wake her, but she stays asleep through it all. Emerald shrugs and lays on her.
Inventory & Spells – http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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