Of all the couples from my Next Generation Apple Syrup and Agate’s have the most bittersweet final chapter of their lives together. Sure there are the other couples with the lifespan difference such as Pandemonium and Harmony, Radiance and Bing, but they won’t have to part like these two.
Being a dragon Agate is destined to grow large and too big to live in Ponyville just like his father, Spike, and with no other choice but to move out to somewhere big enough for his size. Apple Syrup tries to convince him to stay nearby Sweet Apple Acres but unfortunately there wouldn’t be a place to shelter. The nearest place he could find a home to live in is on the mountains outside Ponyville. It breaks Agate’s heart that he has to live far away from Syrup at the final years they have with each other, specially when they have spent their entire lives together and rarely apart from one another, but he has no choice.
Agate finds a good cave at the bottom of the mountain and sets his home there. He digs for jewels nearby to snack on them (even though it isn’t his favorite thing to eat) instead of stocking them like treasure, and sleeps most of the time to not think of the life he left behind at Ponyville.
As the days pass he’s unexpectedly visited by Apple Syrup, who brings some of his favorite meals especially made for him. They aren’t big enough to fill his stomach as they did in the past but just the sweet taste of his wife’s cooking was good enough. Syrup spends most of the time she can with him, chatting, snuggling and gazing up into the sky, and her visits are frequent until a certain day when her body starts to weaken due to old age.
Agate begs for her to stay at home instead of risking more of her health just to visit him and he thinks his plea is heard since Apple Syrup doesn’t show up for weeks.
But then one dawn he’s surprised when she shows up at the cave’s entrance shaking all over and too weak to stand on her legs. Agate keeps her close to him and covers her with his enormous paw to warm her up, and as she leans next to him he can feel her heart beating slower than usual. The dragon’s heart skips a beat as he starts to realize what’s wrong and tears begin to form in his eyes. Apple Syrup leans up to wipe the tears from one of his eyes and smiles while trying not to cry as well or the dragon will burst into tears immediately. She kisses him tenderly on the nose and whispers with sweetness in her voice that their love will last forever and that she’ll wait for him when the time comes for them the reunite once again.
Apple Syrup makes Agate promise that he’ll live his long life to the fullest after her departure instead of staying in that cave waiting for his end. The dragon doesn’t believe he’s capable of that but he promises that he’ll try for her sake. Apple Syrup smiles in relief, she knows Agate is going to be ok, and so she sighs happily while slowly closing her eyes and ready to rest.
Please do not use this artwork in any way!!
Apple Syrup and Agate Quartz © me