The MLP NFL Playoffs
The stage is set for the playoffs as six seeds from their conferences battle to determine who is going to the super bowl.
<ol start="1">
<li>Seed: Lady Tirek and The New England Patriots</li>
<ol start="2">
<li>Seed: Sunset Shimmer and The Kansas City Chiefs</li>
<ol start="3">
<li>Seed: Rainbow Dash and The Pittsburg Steelers</li>
<ol start="4">
<li>Seed: Big Macintosh and The Houston Texans</li>
<ol start="5">
<li>Seed: Scootaloo and The Oakland Raiders</li>
<ol start="6">
<li>Seed: Plaid Stripes and The Miami Dolphins</li>
<ol start="1">
<li>Seed: Applejack and The Dallas Cowboys</li>
<ol start="2">
<li>Seed: Princess Luna and The Atlanta Falcons</li>
<ol start="3">
<li>Seed: Twilight Sparkle/Starlight Glimmer and The Seattle Seahawks</li>
<ol start="4">
<li>Seed: Cheese Sandwich and The Green Bay Packers</li>
<ol start="5">
<li>Seed: Pinkie Pie and The New York Giants</li>
<ol start="6">
<li>Seed: Daring Do and The Detroit Lions</li>
Seeds 3 to 6 will have their Wild Card Matches on Jan 7th and Jan 8th. Lady Tirek, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack and Princess Luna will wait for their opponents.
Tell me which teams are you going for.