My Battlefield Friends recast with Equestria Girls characters!
Zephyr Breeze as Noob/Neebs
Flash Sentry as Recon
Soarin as Medic
Thunderlane as Engineer
Bulk Biceps as Colonel 100
Silver Shill as Simon
Mr Waddle as Old Soldier
Brawly Beats as Ammo Guy
CouldChaser as Girl Gamer
Discord as The Administrator
Shining Armor as LevelCap
Trenderhoof as Closet Colonel
Jet Set as The PC Elitist
Sandalwood as Chopper Guy
Quibble Pants as DooM49
Spike as ChaBoyy
Comet Tail as Xfactor
Big Macintosh as AnderZEL
Captain Planet as FRANKIEonPCin1080p
Fancy Pants as JackFrags
Kurt Marshall as the Police Captain from the opening episode of Season 5
Garble as the thug who constantly says motherf**ker
Butterscotch (AKA Rule 63 Fluttershy) as Bunny Sniper
King Sombra as General Tso
Original meme: http://moheart7.deviantart.com/art/Character-Recast-Meme-Template-364327166
Battlefield is copyright of EA & Dice.
MLP:FiM/EQG is copyright of Hasbro & Lauren Faust.
Battlefield Friends is copyright of Neebs Gaming, Happy Hour & Machinima.
If you want to contact/know more about me:
My Comicvine account: JwwProd.
My Steam account: Jwwprod.
My PSN ID: Jon-the-bear.