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For more information, see the search syntax documentation. Wildcards are supported in all literal fields. Search results are sorted by image count, then by name alphabetically.

Popular Tags

oc:light land0 oc:light light star1 oc:light malachite1 oc:light muffin1 oc:light narrative1 oc:light rain1 oc:light reading1 oc:light rose1 oc:light song1 oc:light-delablue0 oc:light.heart1 oc:light761 oc:lighter star1 oc:lighting blade0 oc:lighting bliss0 oc:lighting bolt1 oc:lighting code1 oc:lighting crasher0 oc:lighting dee0 oc:lighting flare1 oc:lighting flash0 oc:lighting line1 oc:lighting weather1 oc:lightingbreeze1 oc:lightingflash0 oc:lightnidow dush1 oc:lightnight wrench1 oc:lightning awper1 oc:lightning bass1 oc:lightning bolts1 oc:lightning breeze1 oc:lightning chain1 oc:lightning delrotronic0 oc:lightning drifter1 oc:lightning flower1 oc:lightning kuza1 oc:lightning meer1 oc:lightning rainboom1 oc:lightning rainbow1 oc:lightning sahine0 oc:lightning scratch1 oc:lightning shadowbolt0 oc:lightning sketch1 oc:lightning smite1 oc:lightning strom0 oc:lightning sun1 oc:lightning twinkle1 oc:lightning veridas0 oc:lightning voices0 oc:lightning-stripe0 oc:lightningswing0 oc:lightning~rider1 oc:lightrain1 oc:lightrane darkness1 oc:lightsaga0 oc:lightshadow1 oc:lightshare gemstar1 oc:lightshow big penis0 oc:lightstream1 oc:lighty rad1 oc:lighty.sun1 oc:ligma0 oc:ligtning bliss0 oc:lil carrot1 oc:lil chif1 oc:lil knifejaw1 oc:lil miss1 oc:lil pip0 oc:lil star0 oc:lil val0 oc:lil' opry1 oc:lil' pipin1 oc:lil' seven1 oc:lil' tulip1 oc:lil'cheese0 oc:lil'pippin1 oc:lila larose1 oc:lila pisces1 oc:lilac aria1 oc:lilac cakepop1 oc:lilac fields1 oc:lilac galaxy1 oc:lilac glamour1 oc:lilac lullabye0 oc:lilac meadow1 oc:lilac straw1 oc:lilac twilight1 oc:lilac twinkle1 oc:lilac widow0 oc:lilacclime0 oc:liladrop0 oc:liliac atropina0 oc:lilian springtail0 oc:lilica0 oc:lilienthal emerald1 oc:lilim0 oc:lilith makeup0 oc:lilith sawbones1 oc:lilith's mother0 oc:lilithowl1 oc:lilithyia1 oc:lilium aliquam0 oc:lille0 oc:lillee lynx1 oc:lillia1 oc:lillith moonlight1 oc:lillow1 oc:lilly peet0 oc:lilly pond1 oc:lilly sapphire1 oc:lilly sprout1 oc:lilly vane1 oc:lilly violet0 oc:lillybon1 oc:lillylove1 oc:lillyreed cloverleaf1 oc:lilo (bastler)1 oc:lilou411 oc:lilpip0 oc:lilu lust0 oc:lily annie1 oc:lily aura1 oc:lily blue0 oc:lily chystaline0 oc:lily daze1 oc:lily emerald1 oc:lily fawn1 oc:lily hope1 oc:lily moon0 oc:lily rose1 oc:lily saphire1 oc:lily snow1 oc:lily star0 oc:lily white1 oc:lilypath1 oc:lilyshein1 oc:lilywhisper0 oc:lima1 oc:lima mistral1 oc:limber stretch1 oc:lime blitz1 oc:lime coke0 oc:lime crash1 oc:lime dreaming0 oc:lime oldstone1 oc:lime peridot1 oc:lime pie1 oc:limedream0 oc:limelight rivet1 oc:limescale1 oc:limewire1 oc:limine motion1 oc:limma citronyx1 oc:limna limelight1 oc:limonada1 oc:limonellacitrus0 oc:limpid light1 oc:limta1 oc:lin ching-zhu1 oc:lin lim1 oc:lina bloom0 oc:lina fantom0 oc:lina softpaw0 oc:linar1 oc:linarite pie1 oc:linazra1 oc:linbow1 oc:linda angelina1 oc:lindsay cowie0 oc:lindsaypl0 oc:linette1 oc:liney tundra0 oc:ling cocoona0 oc:lingonberry eclair1 oc:lini1 oc:linkle1 oc:linnea bjorklund1 oc:linxu0 oc:linxu code0 oc:lional0 oc:lionard1 oc:liosenz tabbert1 oc:lip sinker1 oc:lipstick lush1 oc:lipstick vanity0 oc:liqourice sweet1 oc:liquid amber1 oc:lisette1 oc:lishadusk1 oc:liss sparkle0 oc:listless loner1 oc:listless love1 oc:listless wonder1 oc:lita mareony1 oc:lite might1 oc:lithium night1 oc:litle chance1 oc:littepip0 oc:little apple fritter1 oc:little buck1 oc:little dopper1 oc:little dreamer0 oc:little jewel1 oc:little lullaby1 oc:little meadow1 oc:little mouse1 oc:little mymbloe0 oc:little needle0 oc:little pip0 oc:little pippin1 oc:little ray1 oc:little sparow0 oc:little t:rux0 oc:little watermelon1 oc:little wish1 oc:little-tweenframes0 oc:littledaisy1 oc:littledog0 oc:littledream1 oc:littlefingers1 oc:littleghost1 oc:littlepipa0 oc:littlepipdent shield0 oc:littlepiperhead0 oc:littlepipethyst shimmer0 oc:littlepipojourner0 oc:littlepipunior0 oc:littleronak0 oc:littleshy0 oc:live wirse0 oc:liven0 oc:liver laughs1 oc:livestrong (sinamuna)0 oc:liviana1 oc:lix changeling0 oc:lix the wolf0 oc:lixarius0 oc:lixian change0 oc:liyyl0 oc:lizard mud0 oc:liziedoodle0 oc:lizziebloom1 oc:lizzieshinga0 oc:lizzy bluebelle1 oc:lizzy sparkle1 oc:llectar0 oc:llena lightshine1 oc:llmare1 oc:lnux0 oc:lo-281
Showing tags 567251 - 567500 of 608220 total

Default search

If you do not specify a field to search over, the search engine will search for tags with a name that is similar to the query's word stems. For example, winged humanization, wings, and spread wings would all be matched by a search for wing, but sewing would not be.

Allowed fields

Field SelectorTypeDescriptionExample
alias_ofLiteralMatches the name of the target tag, if this tag is aliased.alias_of:twilight sparkle
aliasedBooleanMatches when this tag is aliased.aliased:true
aliasesLiteralMatches the name of any of this tag's aliases.aliases:ts
analyzed_nameFull TextMatches the name of this tag. This is the default field.analyzed_name:wing
categoryLiteralMatches the category this tag belongs to.category:origin
descriptionFull TextMatches the text of the full description for this tag.description:species
idNumeric RangeMatches the numeric surrogate key for this tag.id:40482
imagesNumeric RangeMatches tags with the specified post count.images.lte:1000
implied_byLiteralMatches this tag if it is implied by the given tag.implied_by:transparent background
impliesLiteralMatches this tag if it implies the given tag.implies:shipping
nameLiteralMatches the exact name of this tag.name:safe
name_in_namespaceLiteralMatches the name of this tag with any namespace component removed.name_in_namespace:johnjoseco
namespaceLiteralMatches tags with the given namespace.namespace:artist
short_descriptionFull TextMatches the text of the short description for this tag.short_description:gender
slugLiteralMatches the slug of this tag.slug:-fwslash-mlp-fwslash-

Tag Categories

Category NameDefinition
content-fanmadeFan-Made Content
content-officialOfficial Content
errorIncomplete Metadata
ocOriginal Character
originCreator or Origin

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