Posts tagged food
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Short description: Anything edible.
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Short description: Anything edible.
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apple, apple brown betty (food), apple crumble (food), apple fritter (food), apple gag, apple jacks, apple pie, applejack becoming an apple, applejack mid tree-buck facing the left with 3 apples falling down, applejack mid tree-buck facing the right with 3 apples falling down, applesauce pony, avocado, bacon, bacon and eggs, bagel, baguette, baked beans, baked potato, banana, banana bread, bananalestia, barbeque, batter, beans, beef, beets, bento, big mac (burger), birthday cake, blowing bubblegum, blueberry, bread, broccoli, brownies, bubblegum, burger, burrito, butter, cabbage, cake, cakelestia, candy, candy apple (food), candy cane, candy corn, caramel flavouring, carrot, carrot dog, cereal, cheerios, cheese, cheese sandwich (food), cheeseburger, cheesecake, cherry, cherry pie (food), chicken meat, chicken nugget, chili dog, chilli, chips, chocolate, chocolate rain, churros, cinnamon bun, cinnamon nuts, cobbler, coconut, cookie, cookie jar, corn, corn flakes, corndog, cotton candy cloud, crackers, cream puff (food), croissant, cucumber, cum on food, cupcake, curry, custard, dango, date palm, deep fried oreos, dim sum, dino nuggies, donut, doritos, drumstick, dumplings, durian, eclair, egg (food), eggplant, empanada, falafel, fast food, fig, flan, flutterrange, fondant, food costume, food pony, foodplay, french fries, fried chicken, froot loops, frosting, frozen yogurt, fruit pony, fruit salad, giant apple, glorious grilled cheese, grapes, green peppers, grilled cheese, guacamole, gum, gumball, gummy bears, ham, hamburger, hashbrowns, hay burger, hay fries, hay sandwich, honey, honey buns, horse meat, hot chocolate, hot dog, ice cream, ice cream sandwich, imminent yeast infection, implied ponies eating fish, jam, jelly, ketchup, ketchup pony, kimchi, kiwi fruit, lasagna, latte, lemon, lettuce, linguine, lollipop, m&m's, macaron, macaroni, macaroni and cheese, mango, marshmallow, marzipan mascarpone meringue madness, mashed potatoes, mayonnaise, meat, melon, mince pie, mooncake, muffin, mustard, nachos, natto, noodles, nutella, oat burger, oatmeal, oats, onigiri, onion, onion rings, orange, orangified, oreo, pancakes, parfait, pasta, pastry, pea, peach, peanut butter, peanut butter crackers, pear, pepper, pepperoni, pickle, pickle jar, pie, pineapple, pizza, pocky, pomegranate, ponies eating fish, ponies eating meat, ponies eating seafood, popcorn, popsicle, poptart, pork, potato, potato chips, pretzel, pringles, pudding, puddinghead's pudding, quesadilla, quiche, ramen, rarity looking at food, raspberry (food), red cabbage, red peppers, red velvet cake, reese's peanut butter cups, rice, rock soup, salad, salt, sandwich, sandwich censorship, sapphire cupcake, sauce, sauerkraut, sausage, scotch, sea salt ice cream, seafood, seafood pancake, sitting on apple, skittles, sonataco, soup, spaghetti, sprinkles, steak, strawberry, subway, sugar (food), sundae, surströmming, sushi, sweet potato, sweetie belle can't cook, sweets, swiss cheese, swiss roll, taco, taco belle, tamal, tater tots, tea, tequila, tiramisu, toast, tofu (food), tomato, tomato soup, topkek, tortilla, trix, twinkies, waffle, watermelon, wheat, whipped cream, whopper, zap apple, zap apple jam
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