Posts tagged foal
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Short description: A baby or toddler aged equine
Aliases: foals
Implies: pony
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Detailed description:
Short description: A baby or toddler aged equine
Aliases: foals
Implies: pony
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Detailed description:
This tag should only be used when a character being portrayed is an equine of baby or toddler age; not to be applied with anthro
or semi-anthro
The CMC are not foals, but Pumpkin and Pound Cake are.
If a character is aged-down to be a foal, this tag should also be used.
If the character is a child above this age, please use either filly
or colt
Please be sure to tag gender as well using either filly
or colt
If a sexual situation is being portrayed, please be sure to add foalcon
Showing posts 106 - 120 of 36612 total