Posts tagged artist:titanium-pony
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artist:titanium-pony 384Tag changes
Short description: Belligerent Spike shipper, butcher of vectors.
Aliases: artist:titanimal, artist:titanimal_edit, artist:titanium-dats-me, artist:titanium-pony_edit, artist:titanium-pony_edits, hundreds of users filter this tag
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Detailed description:
Short description: Belligerent Spike shipper, butcher of vectors.
Aliases: artist:titanimal, artist:titanimal_edit, artist:titanium-dats-me, artist:titanium-pony_edit, artist:titanium-pony_edits, hundreds of users filter this tag
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Detailed description:
Very belligerent Spike shipper, whose expression of choice is vectors from other artists haphazardly slapped together. Got into an autistic slapfight with Derpibooru, and pissed the mods there off enough to change his artist tag to "hundreds of users filter this tag". Equestria Girls fuck dogs.