Posts tagged 1000 hours in ms paint
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1000 hours in ms paint 7218Tag changes
Short description: Crudely drawn images or blatantly poor edits.
Aliases: 1000 hours in mspaint, 1000 hours on ms paint, 1000 years in ms paint, 10000 hours in ms paint, over 9000 hours in mspaint
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Detailed description:
Short description: Crudely drawn images or blatantly poor edits.
Aliases: 1000 hours in mspaint, 1000 hours on ms paint, 1000 years in ms paint, 10000 hours in ms paint, over 9000 hours in mspaint
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Detailed description:
Applies to images that have been constructed in a rather crude-looking
manner. While the tag implies usage of Microsoft Paint, ANY
imaging program can effectively be used to create an image that boasts
such “quality”. GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, OpenCanvas, Flockmod, and Paint
Tool SAI are just a few examples of such programs. It can also apply to
blatantly poor edits of already-existing images and/or vectors.
It is important to note that this does not apply to pixel
art, unless the pixel art in question falls under the
above criteria.