“Greeting ponies, and welcome to my home. I am a Djinn settling down in Ponyville, coming from the distant lands of Saddle Arabia. I know my appearance is intimidating, but you have nothing to worry about. My only purpose is to grant wishes, my power being infinite, but only in the act of serving others. So please, enter my humble tent, and tell Atamanna your desires.
Hello everypony. Me and Scylla are trying out a new idea we came up with together. We are starting a bit of an “MLP ask tumblr” featuring a new character, the lovely and erotic arabian Djinn goat, Atamanna. In this, we will be be taking the wishes of commenters, and answering questions they might have about our character. You can post here if you wish to participate, however there are a few rules to this I’ll list here.
1.Wishes must be made in the form of a request, with words like “I’d like”, “I want”, “I wish”, or similar thing in it to denote a request is being made.
2.We want wishes to be done “in character”, and with characters that exist in the canon of MLP. This can be from any character from the show, comics, or movies, no matter who it is, and we will be focusing on wishes that are like this than from ones from fan characters or the like (though if an interesting one comes up, we might still consider it).
3.Atamanna can choose whose wishes she grants, and is not bound to honor a wish just because it is asked of her, no matter how many times it is asked of her. On that note, know that all comments will be read on all images for images for this project, so try not to spam a wish over and over. If you have an interesting wish, we will get to it.
4.Atamanna will interpret a wish however she pleases, so don’t expect the results of a wish to turn out the way you want it. Just try to enjoy the results that do come, as varied from your original idea that they might be.
5.This is series will be NSFW, so some images might be lewd, graphic, or both. You have been warned.
6.There is no set schedule for this. We will be tryin to get the first few entries out quickly, but we make no promises to releases. Could be a days or weeks in between, so be patient please.
7.While any pony (character) may have a wish, they only get one each. No exceptions.
8.There is a price for everything, even if the wisher is not aware of the cost.
With that said, start putting your wishes and questions in the comments. We will be focusing on wishes first, but we will get to questions in time. Hope to see lots of responses from those interested in this idea.