*Pinkie Pie loves children. She loved being around them, taking care of them, entertaining them. She loves it so much that she decides that it is about time that she got some of her own. Being as happy go lucky and innocent as she is though, she hasn’t exactly found that special somepony that she would be willing to spend her life with in order to achieve this goal. Lets face it, there aren’t that many ponies out there who are a perfect match like Carrot Cake is to Cupcake.
So when news of a wish granting genie comes up in Ponyville, Pinkie thinks that this is her chance to get some new playmates for the Cake twins, and become the mommy she always knew she could be. She makes her plead to Atamanna, and being the gracious goat that she is, grants the pink pony her heart’s desire. Only problem is that despite Atamanna’s vast power, she cannot simply create life from nothing. So since she can’t just create children for Pinkie to take care of via magic, she’ll have to have it done the old fashion way, and what better way to do that then with some help from her favorite servant.*
Like to ask Atamanna some questions? Want to make some wishes? Then stop on by to Atamanna’s Wish World! Where dreams come true, for a price~ ;3
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