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Wasn’t so certain about posting this here, but…opening up 10 commission slots.
(Batmare cast for discount >>190627)
As always note me with the specifics of what you want and we can decide whether I’ll do it and what the price with be.
Here are the prices
Fully colored (pony): $15 for 1 character (+5 for each additional)
Fully colored (human): $20 for 1 character (+5 for each additional)
Uncolored: $10 for 1 pony character/$15 for human (+5 for each additional)
Sketch: $5 for 1 pony character/$10 for human (+5 for each additional)
Important: Any Commission involving 1 or more of my Batmare cast will receive a $5 discount on the final price.
1) Sirius-face: (Batfilly and Catfilly fight) Done!
2) Sirius-face: (NSFW) Done!
3) asktheblackbirdpegasus (Black Bird vs Batmare) Sketched…
4) KTDWA (OC Sketch) Done!
5) Manic Moon (Ivyshy and OC)
What do you guys say?
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