Partial uploader description:
Rarity – Lina Inverse (The Slayers)
RD – Konata lucky star ( :aww: that show is so relaxing to watch and makes me smilie :)
Princess Twilght – Rally Vincent (GunSmith Cats) (one of my all time fav mangas and Rally is one of my fav comic female characters as well because she’s a bad ass)
Spike should really be obvious but its Spike from Cowboy Bebop HA get it XD :roll:
Pinkie pie – Haruhi-Suzumiya (could you imagine if we ever got these two crazies together the world really would be doomed) (fun fact her band on her arm says fun or “Tanoshii” in japanese)
AJ – Balsa (Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit)
Fluttershy Lain in her iconic bear pyjamas (Serial Experiments Lain)