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<ins>Based on the Chinese comic panels from:</ins>
Oh, and it’s a request by Ajksob, who provided me with the perfect troll criminal pony OC to be punished in the <ins>most extremely creative way possible</ins>!!
<ins>Just because one troll is eliminated doesn’t mean it will discourage many others to try again!</ins>
How would you upgrade Applejack’s apple orchard security defense systems? Post your ideas in the comments below!
<ins>Troll thief:</ins> Instant by Ajksob
<ins>Aerial Vehicle:</ins> Mosquito Air Helicopter
<ins>Anti-Magic Music Box:</ins> Based on the Overseer Music Box from Dishonored
(For more info on the music box, click here)
Oh, and thanks to pheeph for sharing me his stash of OMQ comics to parody
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