Princess Desperada Juanita Sparkle-Apple
Parents: Princess Twilight Sparkle and Royal Consort Braeburn Apple
Siblings: Prince Night Hawk
Nickname(s): Des, Juanita (Her father and Sheriff Silverstar), Adda
Special Talent: Herding and Lasso Twirling
Species: Pegasus
Occupation: Professional Herder and Deputy Sheriff of Appleloosa
Birthday: April 19th
-Super Outgoing
Twilight/Mother: Desperada and her mother don’t get along like Twilight hoped her and her only daughter would. They argue about little things and often explode at one another. They are known to fight at every opportunity. Easy to say their relationship is strained and Twilight has accepted this. She has tried to fix it several times but, to no avail. Twilight has even asked Braeburn to try to assist in fixing their relationship, but he just insisted that if you force it than it’ll just get worse.
Braeburn/Dad: Des and Braeburn get along perfectly. Perfect Father-Daughter relationship, according to both Twilight and Night Hawk. Des and Braeburn are both obsessed with old western movies and ranch stuff. Hell, the second Des was allowed out on a ranch- Braeburn was right there beside her teaching her how to use a lasso and how to properly herd animals. Braeburn was there when his daughter earned her special talent after saving a small schoolhouse from a large angry bull. Braeburn also was there when she became one of Sheriff Silverstar’s deputies. Proudest moment of his life, his best friend and daughter working together to protect the town he was raised in. He is super proud of his daughter and hopes to give her his hat someday- a sign of honor and pride in the Apple Family.
Night Hawk/Brother: Desperada and Night Hawk are not the usual sibling duo, they neither have a sibling rivalry or a super close friendship. They mainly just acknowledge that the other exists and move on with their day. This is apparently how it has always been according to Braeburn and Twilight.