You give Max and Misty an angry look and start seeing If Private Vanilla is okay.
“Hey, Your name is Vanilla right?”
“Yep, I’m Vanilla Skies but I thought you called me Swinger because you liked the way I grooved Taurus…” she babbled in response.
“Um… Can you tell me if this pegasus attack is just a raid or is it an invasion.”
“Oh we’re invading… I guess. What is it called when you destroy a town to send a message..?”
“Do you know what year it is? or where you are?”
“It’s Ten Ay Bee Why? and we’re at Fort Davis keeping the unicorns from destroying the west Texas Federal Stock! You know, while President Kennedy…”
Vanilla doesn’t seem to be all there.
You all move carefully through the alleyways to keep out of sight from most of the patrols of unicorns and pegasi. This pays off as you avoid a couple of armored Unicorns who walk by.
“Hey Max, Misty, I don’t really know if earth pony lands are any friendlier to other races. What do you guys know about most earth ponies.
Max speaks up. “We may be fine if we stick to rural lands but you’re right. You both should come up with a plan when we get out of the city.”
“Does anyone have any money, that we could maybe buy some clothes with? As disguises or something?”
Max says, “I have a little money, but lets worry about getting out of town first.”
Vanilla Speaks up,“I want a disguise! I can be a dragon. and then we’ll have all the gold.”
The buildings are thinning out. you’re nearly out of town.
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