Clockwork Green. Mad scientist, inventor, and devious criminal with a thirst for power that eliminates any kind of moral in his mind. This pony craves the powers of the other races so much that he is willing to do almost anything, even implanting false wings, and creating a caster node to act like a fake horn in his hat. Though his power is limited, and almost any unicorn’s magic is potent enough to resist what his hat can cast, his element of surprise is his best advantage.
Clockwork’s ultimate goal is to attain the power of an alicorn, and unlock some form of immortality, though he often ends up wrecking his own chances at reaching these goals, because he makes so many enemies.
Clockwork usually comes across as friendly at first, but some of his ill intent can sometimes bleed through in the form of arrogance and volatility under stress. Many ponies have gone missing near his laboratory, but somehow, none of them can be traced to Clockwork, despite the obvious connection. He is usually under the watch of the Canterlot guard for this reason.