So guys this piece has a special meaning to me.
During the past few month I met so many new
Friends and had so many adventures on cons with them its incredible.
If i’m honest at some point most of them started feeling less like friends and more like a big Family and Ebu kinda started it with calling us the “Bass-Fam”.
So this picture is a little thank you to all of you who made these past month so special to me, no matter if you live close and we can actually see each other from time to time, or just chat and have fun together, all of you matter to me a lot <3
The biggest thank you though, goes out to my brother, who was the first Person I was able to share my love for mlp 6 years ago. Thank you for making so many things possible for me and being the best brother I could imagine.
We never actually said that to each other, because we would say that’s gay, but I want you to know that I love you and that you are the most important person in my life.