My version of the Legion of Doom (Pictures by various sources and put together by me)
Grogar (MLP G1, MLP G4 S9)
Queen Chrysalis (MLP S2, S5, S6, S8, S9)
Lord Tirek (MLP S4, S5, S8, S9)
Cozy Glow (MLP S8, S9)
King Sombra (MLP S3, S5, S9)
Storm King (MLP: The Movie)
Pony of Shadows (MLP S7)
Nightmare Moon (MLP S1, S5, S7, S9)
Daybreaker (MLP S7, S9)
Mean 6 (MLP S8: The Mean 6)
Mean Starlight and Mean Sunset (New Villians)
Mane-iac (Power Ponies Episode from S4)
Demon Sunset Shimmer (MLP EG)
The Dazzlings: Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze (MLP EG: Rainbow Rocks)
Midnight Sparkle (MLP EG: The Friendship Games, MLP EG: Legend of Everfree)
Abacus Cinch (MLP EG: The Friendship Games)
Gaea Everfree (MLP EG: Legend of Everfree)
Juniper Montage/Juniper Monstar (Past Version from before Starlight convinced her to free the Humane 7) (MLP EG: Movie Magic, MLP EG: Mirror Magic)
Wallflower Blush (Past Version from before the Humane 7 destroy the Memory Stone) (MLP EG: Forgotten Friendship)
Vignette Valencia (Past Version from before the Humane 7 destroy her phone) (MLP EG: Rollercoaster of Friendship)
Post Crush: Kiwi Lollipop (K-Lo) and Supernova Zap (Su-Z) (MLP EG: Sunset's Backstage Pass)
not provided yet