Artist’s description from DA:
Haha! Lookit this! I’m making an age thing!
But what’s this? They’re all babez?
Yes, I’ve decided I will do all 6 at various ages stages (ei. baby, school aged, teen, show age, middle aged, elderly) but all together on one page, as opposed to chronologically one at a time. BECAUSE WHO NEEDS CONTINUITY?!?!?
Anyway, the babies are pretty easy to talk about.Twilight was a weird baby who babbled a lot and would roll around too much.
Fluttershy rarely ever cried and slept A LOT.
Rainbow, on the other hand, cried a lot and drove her parents nuts.
Applejack was a big baby that learned to walk at a very very young age and would totter around the farm and get lost frequently.
Pinkie Pie laughed a lot, mostly because Maud would often provide with tickles and raspberry.
Rarity was a pretty standard foal as she would do nothing weird really. She liked to stare at windows. Not out them, but at them. Thats the only ting though really.