1-rockers vs technies
thunderbass: I have said and I repeat you are nerds
mystery mint: if so clumsy Surrender
atomic adam: are geniuses in music
wiz kid: rather clumsy
thunderbass: we’ll see the ugly competition
mistery mint: the great rock and boring technology
adam atomic: the devices you use to listen to music are technology
wiz kid: you are a quartet of stupid
screeble dee: we are good at music and better than you
cherry crash: oh yeah?
screeble dee: yeah If some of my not understand maybe because you’re a punk without
brain and to be honest cherries make me sick
cherry crash: look who speaks 4 you’ll see when we win and cherries are
my favorite fruit and swear I’ll soon regret inept
vanhallen: We’re better than you bumbling trio intellectuals
2-eco kids vs diamond boys
captain planet: we have good rhythm
green cycle: you have dog face
peasley: yes and never seem to bathing
rover: are poorly educated about hippies
fido: ecology is to inept
spot: and vegetables and fruits are stinkings
captain planet: we loving the atmosphere
green cycle: and recycle to save earth and animals
peasley: and hate the people who destroy gardens
rover: you swear that pay
fido: if your rhythm is not funny
spot: They are nothing but morons
3-snips and snails vs the fashionistas
snip: we are best rappers
snails: and you just know pure fashion
naomi: we are good singers
aqua bloosom: if and rap sucks
snip: and they have 2
snails:‘ll destroy you
naomi: ha we’ll see
aqua bloosom: us with rose heart will defeat
4-photo finish and the snapshots
pixel pizzaz: something must be done finish
photo finish: true but what?
violet blurr: what if we sabotage
pixel pizzaz: good idea and suggest that they are the rainbooms
photo finish: ok but as
violet blurr: puppet wires and magnets
5-crussaders vs lyra and bon bon
Applebloom: we are good to rock
sweetie belle: accurate our singing talent
scootaloo: even made a music video
lyra: so we we’re doing good piano duet
bon bon: Clearly, if we play better
Applebloom: you are very ugly for piano
sweetie bell: worst diamon tiara and silver spoon
scootaloo: exactly
lyra: bold girls and dare to insult
bon bon: Exact are bold
6-octavia vs athetle
Octavia: I am very much in the cello
curly winds: Has yeah playing old music
octavia: my music is not old and you do not know anything about music rather thansports
curly winds: I along with heath burns and teddy will defeat
7-derpy and the muffins
derpy: AM ME AND MY BAND will defeat ALL
8-flash drive vs trixie and the illusions
trixie: and you will see that we will defeat
fuchsia blush: if true are nothing but jerks
lavender lace: and fools
flash: so we are the best band in Canterlot high
brawly beast: but as you
ringo: just do silly tricks that do not serve
trixie: has only said it because they touch the dances
fucshia blush: if so Surrender
lavender lace: if we win
flash: that await you
brawly beast: are a trio stupid
ringo: will finish with you
the rainbooms say nothing