Birthday gift for Matchstickman i put together in photoshop featuring all his muscular iterations of the apple family ladies. Ignore the universe collapsing due to unstable time paradoxes, it was for the greater good. I’d like to thank Match for providing me with a lot of entertainment messing with his art over the years, it’s been a lot of fun.
usual Disclaimer:
I AM <span class="caps">NOT</span> <span class="caps">THE</span> <span class="caps">ORIGINAL</span> <span class="caps">ARTIST</span> nor did i draw <span class="caps">ANY</span> of the lines that were used to create this image so i claim <span class="caps">ZERO</span> ownership. All of the artwork and lines used belong to Matchstickman. I did construct some lines from scratch, but i used lines originally drawn by Match to piece them together so i do not claim credit there either. I am just a big fan of his and his work is fun to mess with in photoshop. 100% of the credit goes to him because i could not make these without him drawing his own stuff first and i only upload these here because he is okay with it.
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