a new little side project! MLP related, set in a G5 altered in lore a bit to my taste
It's dark. Terrified reddish pink eyes open in a background that is just soil. The voice, belonging to the eyes, are her thoughts:
Gah! Where am I? I can't see… I… I can't… Have to get out. Help… Wait. This bit is soft. I can dig my way out. Just… A little… Further… Gah!
A pale pink pony covered in mud digs her way out of the earth. The background is a white wall, cracked, covered in moss and plants. She thinks:
I think I'll just rest here a bit.
The next panel shows what appears to be the ruins of Canterlot with a gravestone in the foreground. The surroundings are overgrown and it looks abandoned, but now this pony is sitting, eyes closed, behind the grave. The gravestone's text is difficult to make out. The visible letters read:
..OZY G…
I will never….
Flurry Hea…
Another pony comes across this scene. She reacts by saying 'is that a pony?' The scene ends.
end id)