Discord brings his own brand of fun to Nightmare Night with his own personal cinema of terror. Now playing: ATTACK OF THE 600 FOOT BOOKWORM FROM LEXICON 7 staring TWILIGHT SPARKLE!
Production notes: In 1922 after being allegedly abducted by aliens, Stargazer was committed to Clopswell Psychiatric. In 1933, he released a screenplay to be adapted into a movie. Production of the film was beset by Stargazer’s insanity and the director’s obsessions. Scenes took years to complete, and in 1987, the film was finally completed. The film itself seems to travel time, starting with cheesy effects of the 1930s to the relatively realistic effects and gruesomeness of the 1980s. The premier audience thought the picture to strange to pallette and it was never released, sealed away in a vault somewhere in Equestria. Stargazer disappeared in 1988 returning to the site of his alleged abduction some 50 years prior.
This is nothing special, I just wanted to slap together a movie poster thing for october. I was in the mood, in good spirits, and had this idea for a while. I have a few of these in mind