The Mane 6 exploring the world of video games.
Twilight Sparkle’s playing Batman Forever on the Super Nintendo. This was inspired by the AVGN’s Batman game reviews.
AppleJack’s looking at what might be a PS2.
FlutterShy’s playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo 64.
Rainbow Dash is trying play the NES with the Power Glove. This one was also based on a video by the AVGN.
Pinkie Pie’s playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles on the Sega Genesis. And she’s stuck in the Carnival Night zone act 2 with that stupid barrel you have to get past in order to get through the 2nd act. (I share your frustration Pinkie Pie)
Rarity’s playing Wing Commander 3 on the 3DO. This is somewhat based on another AVGN video