About the Art:so… Izzy, … i see your making some ponies… WTF MAN??anyway, i wanted to make something that i wasn’t seeing around dA, and a good icon of DJ PON-3 was one of those things i didn’t see, so here it is dA, … enjoy and comment or i will kill you all.Copyright:Vinyl Scratch / DJ PON-3 is copyrighted by Hasbro, … and probably a few other people.this icon was made, and is copyrighted by me.Terms of use:I’ve put this icon into my, free-to-use folder, so you may use this as you please, but if someone asks you where you got it, or if you made it, tell them it was me. … or i will rain down fiery chocolate rain upon you.Examples used;i used a picture of DJ PON-3 i found while googling her, … i don’t know who owned that picture, … but credit to them, for taking a screenshot of the show… i guess.Tools used:MSPaint; for pixeling.Gimp 2.6.2; for animating.Colors used; if any:i used vinyl scratch’s colors from the show.Artist Notes:… I’m making ponies cause I’m secretly planning a come back, … but don’t tell anyone.Artist rant;GOD IZZY PONIES WHAT HAPPENED TO EMOTES?? … well, that’s a very good question, … and the answer is, ponies happened… the ponies made me do it.Suggestions;suggest me to groups if you think other people would like my art, watch me if you like my art, fave if you like the picture, and comment, because its nice.keywords for search: Remember you can also suggest keywords, encase i didn’t put something that would go good with any picture.DJ PON-3 vinyl scratch avatar icon disc jockey pony MLP FiM my little friendship is magic animated animation gif music free to use