Name: Marquess Laetitia Laughing Dove Lulamoon
Parents: Trixie and Blueblood
Personality: In pony society it isn't difficult to make it Canterlot when you're pretty and good at magic. Dove has an impressively grand range of skill when it comes to smoke and mirrors. She isn't a particularly imaginative storyteller herself but she'd make a perfect compliment to a pony who is. So she mostly has the reputation of a perfect, pure, and good unicorn mare; the apple of Celestias school of gifted unicorns. However, most ponies who truly get to know her would describe her as altogether unexciting. She is the total opposite of the pony in her performances, the moment she steps off stage she becomes the sensitive and reserved mare that those closest to her know and love. Dove isn't attempting to fool anypony, she simply understands that magic has ways of reading your emotions and your confidence. A skilled and dedicated craftsmare rather than somepony whose insecure about who they truly are.
Special Talent: Illusions and Appearance Magic