Cadence takes pity on poor Cozy Glow. Is redemption even possible?
Cadence slowly pushed open the cellar door, summoning a simple light spell to illuminate the small room “Cozy?” She said softly
After Tirek, Crysalis, and Cozy had been turned to stone, a meeting was held to decide what to do with them
After careful thought, they decided to leave Crysalis redemption to Celestia, Tirek would go back to Tartarus, and Cozy’s redemption would be held to Princess Cadence
They decided to keep her in the crystal cellar, where she was heavily guarded. But she wasn’t treated unfairly, she was given a nice bed, good food and her room was temperature controlled. After a few days, Cadence decided to visit her
Cadence could hear soft sobbing and she found Cozy curled up in the corner, her head in her hooves. She lifted her head at the sound of the Princess footsteps
“What do 𝙔𝙤𝙪 want?” She sniffled, looking away
Cadence carefully walked forward “I can tell that not a lot of people have loved you. Am I correct?” She said, her voice much softer “You never had much of a family?”
Cozy glanced up at her, ears pricking forward for a moment before slicking back and she shrugged “What does it matter to you?” She said, dragging her hoof in the grit on the floor
“I have a proposal,” Cadence said as she knelt down, carefully lifting Cozy’s chin with her hoof “I want to offer you a home. In the castle, not this place. You can do almost whatever you want. I will hire you a personal flight coach, and a professional chess player. You will have a family” A small smile twitched at Cadences lips “In return, you foal-sit my daughter, Flurryheart”
Cozy’s eyes seem to show interest for a moment, before stubbornness crept back in “No! I don’t know what you’re getting at, but I know you’re a liar! You would just ignore me for your nappy pabby princess duties” She stuck her tongue out in disgust “Besides, why would I want to watch your stupid baby?”
Cadence smiled softly, quickly wiping away Cozy’s tears “Alright then. I want you to consider it, at least. I’ll come back tomorrow and see if you’ve thought it over. Have a pleasant night, Cozy Glow” She said as she stood up, leaving. She had a feeling Cozy watched her leave, knowing that Cozy was already deep in thought,