“Meet Lilypad, the daughter of Fluttershy and Aloe. Fluttershy and Aloe got to know each other when fluttershy was taking in a large amount of animals from an attack on Ponyville, and the stress caused many visits to the spa to calm herself down. Aloe eventually asked her out to lunch, and the two really hit it off. Lilypad works with Aloe and her sister at the spa, but she does enjoy Fluttershy’s company.
Name: Lillypad
Age: 16
Species: Earth
Gender: Female
Parents: Aloe and Fluttershy
Personality: Confident, Elegant, Hardworking, Abrasive, Impatient, and Loquacious.
Cutiemark: A blue lilly with two navy thorny tentacles wrapped around it.”