Day 26- Gettting Married
Preacher (like me): Do you Fluttershy take Aria Blaze to be your lawfully wedded significant other for as long as you both shall live? : (giggles) I do.
Preacher: And do you Aria Blaze take Fluttershy to be your wife in sickness and in health so help me god? : I certainly do.
Preacher: Then by the power infested in me, I now pronounce you FlutterBlaze (or AriaShy). heh heh. : (they kiss)
Well surprise surprise on this one. When I did this for AriaShy / FlutterBlaze (Fluttershy x Aria Blaze) 30 Day OTP Challenge, I took a little inspiration from the Steven Universe wedding when Ruby being the tomboy one wearing the gown, while Sapphire was in a tuxedo. Had have to have Aria Blaze and Fluttershy go for that in this fan art work.
MLP and Equestria Girls © Hasbro.