“Can ya just explain again why in tarnation ah gotta wear this thing? It’s downright embarassin’.“
“That leak could be anywhere inside the tank, and I don’t think I have to tell you just how massive those new cider tanks of yours are. It’s just a precaution so you can find and fix it in one dive.“
“Ergh, fine. Sooner we get this overwith, the better. An’ try to resist the urge to crack a ‘need help breathin’ joke, stressed enough as it is.”
A weld’s given out somewhere on one of Sweet Apple Acre’s massive cider tanks, and they’re losing gallons of it by the minute! Luckily AJ has a diving suit and a rivet gun ready for just such an emergency, though she doesn’t seem particularly happy about the other attire Twilight insisted that she wear while on the repair…
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