I know Best Season had already begun and I was caught up with stuff… Other than that, I was having a blast with the art app! I know the style used in the pic seems a but from Adventure Time yet itnwas only b/c it’ll be easier to draw in that style. yet since, I’ve drew it in that style, I began to apply to my other pics! The BG was random but I like it anyways since fall is my favorite season! And I apologize in advance for using my ship so much yet I can’t help myself to doodle them in most pics. No worries, the next would feature a different ship. Hope you enjoy this pic, guys!Disclaimer: I do don’t own MLPProgram used: MedibangLayers: 3TimenTaken: Hour (somewhat)My Little Pony © Hasbro/DHX MediaMy Little Pony: EqG © Hasbro/DHX MediaDrawn by RainbowYoshi305