Commission for who wrote the following story for it
And to clear up any confusion for those just joining us, Silver Spoon is Octavia’s littler sister in this setting. Vinyl is happy to teach her the finer things in life, those invaluable lessons her stuffy big sister will criminally neglect. Good on you, Vinyl.
Silver right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atuFSv2bLa8
Octavia breathed a sigh of relief as she peeled into her neighborhood, her afternoon errands nearing their end. Having spent far too long looking for a particular jar of marmite, the Earth Pony was ready to kick off her shoes and spend the rest of her day practicing on her cello. As much as she was confident in her abilities, it never hurt to hone her skills.
That, and it was an amazing stress-reliever. Given how Vinyl was currently teaching Silver Spoon the in’s and out’s (but mostly the out’s) of her spin-table, Octavia resigned herself to enjoying a rare glass of brandy to cool her nerves, and perhaps soften the blow of the audio assault she will no doubt endure once she enter’s the house.
“Oh well, at least Vinyl convinced her to drop her future drummer career…” Octavia uttered to herself with a resigned sigh, rounding the corner down a familiar street in her unassuming Elkin MKX crossover. Turning her gaze to the passing homes on her left, Octavia raised an eyebrow when she noticed an unfamiliar car sitting in her driveway.
Silver and Vinyl were outside, they themselves quite curious of the new resident of the driveway. Accompanying them was a pony she did not quite recognize. Dressed in black cowgirl boots, a studded leather jacket and sporting a practically flaming mane, the Unicorn Mare in question was chatting up a storm, no doubt describing in great detail the full specifications of an engine Octavia would no doubt forget about the moment the conversation was over.
“Well, as long as they are outside, they can most certainly offer a hand in unloading the trunk, if they want dinner tonight, that is.” Octavia smirked, slowly climbing the driveway to the garage doors, the current inhabitants of the driveway failed to notice.
“Thank you for showing some initiative, Vinyl!” Octavia called out the moment she turned off the ignition, discontent at her partner’s lack of attention. While her voice did little to pry her love away from the big red hulk, her clacking heels did draw the attention of the leather-clad visitor.
“Oh, you must be the fabled ‘Octypus’ I’ve heard so much about!” The Mare in leather responded with surprising mirth, given her current ‘Bad Girl’ attire. Peeling away from her pride and joy, the Mare extended a friendly, albeit finger-less glove clad hand in a welcoming manner. Despite referring to her as ‘Octypus’, Octavia was more then relieved to find somepony acknowledging her presence. “The names Sunset Shimmer, glad to finally meet you!”
“Likewise, I normally have quite an attentive audience so forgive my aggrieved tone.” Octavia replied, wincing as Sunset’s grip engulfed her hand in a firm handshake. Casting an eye at Vinyl, who was currently helping Silver Spoon into the driver seat with excitement etched onto their faces. “I could use a hand in unloading the groceries, we wouldn’t want anyponie’s Ponka Bite’s to defrost now would we?” Vinyl’s ear’s suddenly perked up, shooting up straight as she finally acknowledged Octavia’s presence.
“Back so soon!?” Vinyl chuckled, flattening out her sweatshirt as Silver Spoon shifted herself into the over-sized seat of the muscle car. “Guess the time flies! Sunset Shimmer here was just passing through and decided to drop in for a quick visit! Me an’ her go waaaaay back, Octy! We almost started a punk band during out High School day’s. There was once a time where I was shredding on a guitar instead of on a Disk Table! Someponie’s go through weird fazes, eh’ Octypus?”
“A faze for you perhaps!” Sunset Shimmer responded with a laugh, balancing on one of her heel’s as she patted her jacket. “Punk never dies if it’s a state of mind! Much like my pride and joy right here!” Sunset Shimmer patted the roof of the car in particular, kicking back as she leaned into it with playful honor.
The car itself was a hulk, and that was putting it lightly! Sporting large wheels, a heavy red coat of paint and an angry face only a mother could love, even Octavia herself had to admit it was an eye-catcher in this day and age. “She was an expensive hand-me-down, but I got her into proper working order! Needed something to stomp across Equestria and it sure as hay wasn’t going to be a Prius! This here is my 71’ Plymouth Bitacuda! I’d go into specific’s-” Sunset Shimmer chirped, planting her rump onto the hood of her car and folding her arms as she cast a quick glance over her shoulder to Silver Spoon. “-Buuuut I think a particular little pony is more then happy to tell her big sister all she learned today, isn’t that right, Silvy?”
“Right on, Sunset!” Silver Spoon piped up happily, honking the horn of the Bitacuda with sheer joy. “Sporting a 426 Cubic inch 7.0 litre HEMI V8, the 71’ Bitacuda hit the road with an angry face in the early 70’s-!”
“How fascinating-” Octavia sighed, realizing she was on her own when it came to unloading her own groceries.
“<del>Capable of reaching 160 miles an hour in just 5 seconds</del>”
“Interesting-” Octavia uttered, retreading her steps to retrieve the bag that contained her precious marmite.
“<del>It could plow through the quarter-mile in just 14 seconds!</del>”
“How intimidating-” Octavia cooed, waltzing past the car with her bag in hand, only to lose her precious and bitter vegemite! Thankfully, the tough jar bounced off the asphalt and rolled to a stop just a foot away. “-I’d prefer if I could be offered a hand, Vinyl. As much as I find the Bitacuda an imposing conversation-piece, I’d much appreciate having all the proper ingredients brought into the kitchen before they start to expire in this spring heat.” Octavia huffed, bending over to retrieve her dropped jar of marmite.
Frowning at the sight of her sisters lack of interest, Silver Spoon pouted and folded her arms in defiance of her grand knowledge of the Bitacuda. Catching a quick nod and a playful wink from Sunset Shimmer, Vinyl nodded back and pointed at the key sitting in the ignition. Her spirits soaring once more, Silver Spoon began to twist the key, bringing the engine to a low rumble with one turn.
“-But I couldn’t forget the most important thing!” Silver Spoon hollered over the engine rumbling in retained might. “The 71’ Bitacuda has a staggering output of over 475 HORSEPOWER!!”
And with that, the engine ROARED. The sheer torque the revving HEMI whipped up loose leaves and Octavia’s skirt high enough to reveal her underwear. Caught off-guard, Octavia shrieked as she stumbled in her expensive high heels, nearly dropping her grocery bag in fright! Vinyl couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of her lover’s Cutie-Mark and Sunset Shimmer had to bite into her glove to muffle her laughter.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself, Silver Baller!” Sunset Shimmer finally laughed, passing a quick thumbs-up to the experience 71’ Cuda driver, who was too busy giggling up a storm to notice.
Octavia responded with an embarrassed huff, flattening out the wrinkles in her skirt as she shuffled into the house, leaving the vegemite to its bitter fate.