So, from what I can gather, Rainbow and Twilight met each other lovingly, then they start to… cuddle. Makes sense, until you realize that suddenly Rarity kisses Rainbow in surprise, and then regretfully reports the news to unknowingly curious Twilight.
But part of me just thinks the third panel is nothing but a misunderstanding between Rarity and Twilight XD
Alternate game source: http://www.fynsy.com/game/my\_little\_pony\_birth
First panel source: https://derpiboo.ru/248462
Second panel source: http://braverythehusky.deviantart.com/art/Playbrony-Interview-4th-Edition-QR-Code-Page-357335013 (the closest I’ve got)
Third panel source: https://derpiboo.ru/78891
Fourth panel source: