“Well, got lot’s of suggestions from you guys (as well as friends), about names for her. This is her official info now. I’ve always wanted to have my own OC, but never had the amount of artistic skill until now…
Name: Verdant Ardea
Race: Crystal Pony
Occupation: Works at a baby nursery ward at Ponyville . Previous job as a surrogate mare in the Crystal Empire. Night job being a hostess at her own house, inviting unusual ponies (eg Changelings, Bat ponies) over for food and lovemaking.
Lives a quiet farm-life near Ponyville (Whitetail woods), harvesting berries/vegetables for own consumption.
Main personality traits: Hard-headed, Brash, hardworking, motherly.
She hopes to meet her perfect Stallion one day, to raise a family with. She loves bondage while heavily swollen, and giving birth.
Cutiemark talent: Giving tender love, dedication and care, can apply to her cooking, foals, or her intimate partners.
Thanks to exochangeling for lending me a hoof in coming up with her name and other info.
More art of her coming soon.”