Ok, so I made my own little Hogwarts AU for pony’s here’s a few details. Feel free to ask questions ^
- Every pony has magical capabilities*, but they are represented in the different species. With the exception being “muggles/squibs” where no matter the species they don’t have any magical abilities, this does apply to unicorns.** Unicorns use their horns like wands to wield magic, but I wanted wands to still be a theme, so for them to actually harness this power they must wear a unicornlett upon their horn that contains an amplification stone. Pegasi is the same principle but with the wings, and they have to wear their stone around them (Usually around the area the wings join the body) Earth ponies have wands, Exept to fit the AU they also have a stone in the wand base as the core.
Where the core’s are “phoenix feather” ect in HP in the AU these are stones so you can have “phoenix stones” The rule of “de-wanding” still applies, it just means a pony must remove the item containing the stone.
Once a pony has gone through magic school, they have essentially learned to control their magic, and are therefore able to perform spells without the need of their stones, but the stones do help increase the power. Many ponies remove the stone and keep them close, turning them into jewelry ect in other ways or even just keeping it in a pocket just encase it is needed.
I’d imagine teachers to be key pony’s like Headmaster – Starswirl the bearded and Teachers – The Princesses and main villains because why not? Possibly some main background ponies too, It’s not something I care much about if I’m honest haha)
Please note, that even though Unicorns are more “Magical” I wanted this AU to fit better with the original story, and since in HP the wizard world is kept a secret, I think that lack of unicorns in the world would be very un-fitting and the amount of ponies whose mind would need to be erased of the existence of said pony would just be too much hassle.
- Changlings would fit into the Unicorn categories, and bat pony’s with pegasi