Already, she could see a purple blemish creeping across Raritys middle, spreading toward her haunches and breast. Fluttershy watched with glee as, not long after that, the unicorn began to swell. It was very slight at first; the curve of her rump rose while her belly gradually descended, rounder and heavier than it had been a moment ago. Her breast began to fill out as well, spilling over the base of her forelegs.
Rarity appeared oblivious at first, still smitten with her new trinket. Shortly after the changes began, however, something in demeanor changed. Her smile fadeed, and her gaze became distant.
Feigning ignorance and concern, Fluttershy asked, Is something wrong?
I feel rather… Rartiy hesitateed, shifting her weight. Strange.
Its probably nothing, dear. Ive had a long day. She shifted again, spreading her hind legs a bit wider, subconsciously adjusting to her steadily increasing weight. On second thought, perhaps I should lie down.