After ages, I’m finally getting back into SFM. For a warmup we have a little piece that I call “Tusk.”
Nothing really special here, just anthro Dashie standing in the rain on Sawmill (judging by her shirt, she’s been there a while).
This was mainly a refresher for me, so I could get reacquainted with the basics of SFM as well as skinning tricks. Also try out some new stuff, namely particle effects which can be seen in the raindrops.
The t shirt was tricky to skin, my first attempt ended up with the body looking too light. Making it a shade darker than the color of Dashie seemed to do the trick.
Since I’ve now proven that I’m haven’t completely forgotten how to make SFM stuff, hopefully I can get around to making some proper movies eventually.
Oh and as for the title? I was listening to the Fleetwood Mac song while making this, so it stuck.