Silly faces never fail to make Amber smile
Lucky and Hot Head never knew this until they were older
Lucky: Hot Head hurry up! We need to go!
Hot Head: Chill out! Don’t rush me!
Lucky: rolls his eyes and mocks Hot Head with a silly face “Bleh don’t rush me”~ ‘Canterlot’s fastest pony’ my ass….
Amber: giggles
Lucky: Hm? turns to Amber What’s so funny?
Amber: Nothing
Lucky: What? You like my Hot Head impression? makes the face and opens mouth to speak
Amber: starts chuckling and covers her mouth
Lucky: Oh, my faces? makes more silly faces
Amber: struggling to hold back laughter L-Lucky stop
Lucky: Never! I will break you! continues to make faces and gets closer to Amber
Amber: mouth quivers and she bursts out laughing
Lucky: There it is!
Amber: begins sparkling and lets out a huge snort
Lucky: chuckles Oh wow
Amber: covers mouth Ah, this is so embarrassing!
Lucky: Heh, I think it’s cute. And jeeze, that made ya happy, huh? I haven’t seen you this….. sparkly in forever.
Amber: I yeah lets out a small chuckle I dunno why. I just like when ponies make funny faces.
Lucky: How come you never told us?
Amber: I dunno. Seemed kinda silly. Makes me seem a bit childish haha.
Lucky: It’s just your sense of humor.
Amber: I guess so smiles
Lucky: chuckles Well, guess who’s gonna abuse this new information~
Amber: ………. you better not.
Amber: crying and wailing as Isis runs around
Isis: U-um here Amber! Look! It’s Mr. Breezie! He wants you to smile. Why don’t you play with him?
Amber: looks at her stuffed toy for a second and begins crying again
Isis: groans Herb? I need R-right, he’s out working……. Nngh, what do I do?
Amber: continues to cry louder and louder
Isis: Nonono, don’t cry sweetheart…… Oh hungry! Are you hungry? lies down next to Amber and prompts her to nurse
Amber: refuses and whimpers
Isis: C’mon, not hungry? Gassy maybe? Oh Amber, I don’t know what I’m doing….. I’m such a horrible parent…..
Amber: keeps bawling
Isis: sighs Pllllleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase stop crying…… presses her muzzle to Amber’s and crosses her eyes
Amber: stops crying and stares at her mommy
Isis: Hm?
Amber: giggles
Isis: crosses her eyes again
Amber: starts making gurgling noises
Isis: That’s it? You were just being a grumpy pants? rolls over, making silly faces at Amber
Amber: giggles and claps her hooves
Isis: Oh my goodness you’re so moody. You’re going to be a nightmare for your coltfriend. puffs out cheeks and sticks out tongue
Amber: boops Isis on the nose
Isis: giggles But you’ll be worth it
Yay for silly faces