Drew this in my sketchbook while I was in Taiwan awhile back and figured I’d make it a full drawing. The concept here is an alternate universe to Kilala97’s Next Gen ‘verse in which Turquoise dies young and Anthea and Nidra end up getting together. The effect of this is that Annie and Nidra discover a technique to extend a pony’s lifespan with dragon DNA, though it only works if a pony has a close relative that is a part dragon (in this universe, Annie has a biological niece). This discovery led to Anthea’s ascension to alicornhood, while also giving her draconic traits (this doesn’t happen with the normal spell, but as a result of the spell and the ascension). Thus, at the same time Turquoise Blitz and Princess Nidra are getting together in the original Kilalaverse, Annie is already a princess in her own right and has been married to Princess Nidra for quite awhile…