Meet Hyacinth! Daughter of Prince Blueblood and Trixie Lulamoon. Originally I had named her Aqua Lily but I feel the name Hyacinth fits a lot better. Not only is it a succulent flower, but it’s also a figure from Greek mythology, who was so beautiful, he was fought over by both Apollo and Zephyr. While that’s not completely relevant in the MLP universe, fro what we know for sure, I’m certain it still holds a relative nature in meaning.
However, the name doesn’t completely fit her for that reason. Hyacinth doesn’t particularly find need or importance in physically beauty. She finds beauty in the earth and it’s growth. She loves flora of all kinds, from simple moss to orchids. She’s found that she has a talent for helping plants grow, which puts her in a place where’s frequently in the dirt. She tends to not really clean up after herself either, much to the dismay of both her parents. The darkness at the ends of her mane and tail is actually just collected oil from infrequent washing.
All this is most likely from pressure from both her parents. Blueblood wanted her to be a society pony and Trixie wanted her to be show-y and successful. Trixie would even use her as an assistant in her shows, tying up her long hair and mane in tight up-dos as to make sure it didn’t get in the way. This isn’t to say they don’t love her. They both love her very much, but they have issues connecting with her as she gets older.
Fun Facts:
Due to some ancestry on Blueblood’s side, Hyacinth does have trailing fetlocks
Cinth does not eat cooked food. Everything she eats she either grows herself or buys at farmers markets, raw.
Hyacinth is often found sleeping in her own garden rather than in her home.
Hyacinth loves to travel to different regions, collecting seeds from new plants she comes in contact with.
Hyacinth has an adoration for both the canterlot prince and princess alike.