“Hey guis, this is Sary Gtu, my new OC.
Sary Gtu is like an alicorn but way more powerful. He has four wings and two horns which make him more powerful than Celestia Luna Cadence and Twilight all comnied since he has double the magic capabilities and came from a whole different planet where everything is 3x fancier but in contrast the wine is shittier so he left and came to live in equestra. Everypony was afraid of him first because four wings and two horns holy balls but they all quickly grew to like him because of how nice and helpful he is. All the princesses of equestria are also madly in love with him because of how dashingly handsome he is but Sary could see right through them and tell that they only wanted him for his body so he was like no and splashed his home planet’s shitty wine in their faces. Except for Twilight because as soon as they locked eyes they both fell for each other not for their looks but for who they were on the inside because its what on the inside that really counts.
Sary was actually the reason why Luna became Nightmare Moon because Luna asked him to marry here and he was lie no and splashed his home planet’s shitty wine in her face so she became Nigtmare Moon and tried to kill Sary but Sary banished her to the moon not Celestia. Sary was also the one who fought and banished King Sombra because he managed to get past Sombra’s defenses before Celestia and Luna and when Sombra was like how the fuck did you get in here Sary Sary was like no and splashed his home planet’s shitty wine in his face.
Sary rarely ever gets angry but when he does his coat color turns blood red and blood leaks out of his eyes and I guarantee you he will use the power of his home planet’s shitty wine just ask the princesses and Sombra.
Sary Gtu is copyrighted to me please do not steal it took me a really long time to come up with him and if you steal him you steal the hours that i spent making him I know he’s really tempting but please control yourself and do not steal k thx.”