It was quite surprising when word had gone out all those months ago. Almost nopony would have ever expected that those two would have ever got together. But somehow the stars aligned perfectly, and one Twilight Sparkle and Rarity found themselves in a blooming relationship,. While having many differences, their similarities and common interests complemented each other almost perfectly. Sort of like apple pie and vanilla ice-cream. Many knew about their public life together. On Tuesdays they would go out for lunch, Wednesdays for dinner, and Fridays were set specifically for a “Reading break” in the park. What they didn’t know was what happened after dark.
You see, one of the other things they shared in common was their love of experimentation in kinks, specifically the restraining kind. As for their dynamics, while Twilight didn’t mind taking the reigns once and a while, she preferred her marefriend taking control of the situation. As for Rarity, she was a natural dominant, more than willing to push her occasionally reluctant lover into trying new things. Which is exactly what they are doing today.
Rarity had recently purchased a special set of restraints. Twilight wasn’t quite sure about it at first, but with a little coaxing, she was gagged, rocking back and fourth, with her marefriend riding on her saddle and spanking her within the hour. By the looks of things, the night’s just getting started though. What could be next?