WFK3K: After doing the “Not now, brother” and the “Family Portrait: Comet Tail” pictures, I wanted to draw Flash and Base’s parents Goldsmith and Siren Flair. Please note! I’m not using the story in the Equestria Girls movie or comics, heck even one of my previous head canons. So heads up everypony!
Goldsmith is an Equestrian General and Siren Flair is a medic. In the beginning things were alright, Flash would play ball with his brother and Siren Flair would patch them up when things got rough. Their dad would visit them in Canterlot, when his shifts were done and he’d spar with Flash. Flash wanted to be a royal soldier like him, so he could be a hero one day.
But things changed when Siren Flair passed away from a health complication. Goldsmith became more and more absent in the family, so Flash did his best to take care of First Base and keep making him smile. They met a mare named Sunset Shimmer, who at the time was being trained under Celestia. She’d always find ways of easing the stress he was going through.
But then they had gotten word about a mission that went wrong and Goldsmith was missing in action. Flash knew he had to do something now that both of their parents were gone, so he became a royal guard in training and has been supporting his brother from afar. First Base had to move to Ponyville when things became too expensive in Canterlot; there, he was taken in by Cheerilee.
Flash on the other hand was wanted in the Crystal Empire to finish his training, there he discovered the truth about the royal guards. When young stallions finish their training and finally become royal guards their coats are permanently dyed white or gray to match the uniform and their names become numbers. Only a lucky few manage to kill their original colors when they become generals, like his father. But Flash knew his skills weren’t good enough to become a general, and he kept having nightmares of being forgotten among numbers of others like him. After all, who could point out a guard by their real name when they all look the same.
His visits with his brother became brief, due to his sudden aggressiveness. First Base tried to understand what his brother was going through, but Flash Sentry kept hiding it from him. He thought it was for the best.
One day Flash was requested to keep a certain prisoner in check. A prisoner by the name of Sunset Shimmer. The young mare would always talk to him, even though he kept silent But he always listened to what she had to say, and sometimes agreed with her. Eventually they secretly became friends as days passed. She told him about her past with Celestia and how she wanted to become an Alicorn and rule with her side by side as an equal, but she was held back and Sunset tried to take matters into her own hoofs. Sunset even comforted Flash when he was bent down in thought about the transformation requirement.
The night before the ceremony was about to begin, Flash made a daring move. He set Sunset Shimmer loose and they ran away together.
Back in Ponyville, a young orange colt sat alone in the baseball field.
Wishing for his older brother to come back