Mostly just inspired by my Furry Joker design, which is itself inspired by mostly Lego Joker and 2004 The Batman Joker. This one also takes inspiration from White Knight Joker, his eyes being heterochromatic. His other eye is green, same saturation as his pink eye but the same hue as his hair. I also imagine he would have Zephyr Breeze's body type.
I decided to make him a handicapped Pegasus, not that you can tell by the image. I felt like it would give him more spunk, but he cant like fly he can only hover a little bit and make himself jump higher and stuff. I would imagine he became handicapped from the vat accident. I also think wings fit him because of The Batman vs. Dracula, and that it would work better for his vampire form.
His hooves are normal, he just has that 3rd layer of like idk just black fabric under the rest of his clothes like in 2004 The Batman. I just didn't want anyone to be confused abt that bc sometimes I draw ponies with the like separated hoof things.
His cutie mark isn't set in stone, I like the layout of it but the print of the cards is subject to change. I think he would've been a blank flank before the vat.