After her journey of spreading the world of the Storm King's fall, Tempest Shadow returned to Equestria, just around the time it was decided that Princess Twilight Sparkle needs to have her own guards and she specially wanted Tempest to be the captain of them. There wasn't any objection from Celestia and Luna, they knew Tempest was great for the position after leading the Storm King's army for years. Tempest was hasitant to take the position at first, as she felt she didn't deserve this amount of trust after what she done, but in the end she took it, so she could repay Twilight's kindness towards her.
The guards under her said she was rough around the edges, kinda awkward to talk to and sometimes even kinda terrifing, but in the end a fair and great captain.------------------------------NOTE:
Time for me to integrate Tempest into this AU. It always been a plan of mine to give Twilight her own guards, but never really thought out a captain for them. I think Tempest is the best choice for that.
Also first time showing of the armor of Twilight's guards (partly). Went through some color varients until I found one I most satisfied with (btw it has a helmet part, just Tempest doesn't wear it most of the time). In the near future I should do a drawing that shows of the whole armor set.